AMCAT Syllabus 2024 Exam Pattern, Preparation Tips


AMCAT- Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test: Are you looking for a good job in your profession? Planning for Jobs which are the act for your skill, knowledge, and qualification? Then you need to know about the AMCAT Test. Actually, what is AMCAT? Is this the question running out your mind? Now we let you know about AMCAT TEST, is importance, Eligibility to attend AMCAT Test, When is it Being conducted?, AMCAT Exam 2024-24 Syllabus Exam Pattern, Preparation Tips AMCAT Syllabus PDF, Exam Pattern, Practice Paper Sample Papers, Previous question papers of AMCAT Exam, the Best way to Prepare for AMCAT Test, Best Books to Prepare for AMCAT 2024-24, Cut Marks/ Score and duration of the Test, Fees, Advantage and Disadvantages of AMCAT Test and Other queries in this article below.

What is the AMCAT Test?

Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test (AMCAT) is one of the world’s professional test and world’s only adaptive test to evaluate a candidate’s job skill that presumes job performance for the various variety of professional jobs. It is a test to estimate the candidate’s knowledge, skill in various fields like Aptitude skills, Technical skills, decision making, reasoning, and mental ability skills. AMCAT Test is the only adaptive test which means the flow of questions in the examination will be based on the way you solve them. That means AMCAT is an adaptive test, where the flow of questions asked in the test will get tougher or easier to solve depending on the question to have solved earlier. If your answer for the earlier question is correct then you get to face a tougher question than before or if your answer is wrong your next question becomes a little easier than before. The AMCAT Score will depend on the level of question you have attempted and solved correctly in the AMCAT Examination.

What is the Syllabus for AMCAT Exam?

AMCAT Syllabus 2024-20 PDF: AMCAT Test consists of various modules where you have the choice to choose according to your qualification or educational background they have come from. The Test actually consists of two modules/ Sections, one is a Compulsory module and other is the Optional module. The candidates at the time of examination will be given an option to choose and select any two domain-specific modules. We suggest you read and go completely through the module description before selecting any specific module to take AMCAT test and select one with the apt job profile to your personality. The choice of a module should be done shrewdly, which increases your visibility for that particular kind of Jobs which are apt for your profile.

Here the list of all the modules that you can choose to take in AMCAT Test, with covering all the topics in every module of AMCAT Test, with relevant Jobs Profile of the module, duration, and count of the total number of questions in each module.

AMCAT Compulsory module

This module contains various modules/ sections to be attempted by every aspirant in the AMCAT Exam. The list of Compulsory modules is

  1. English Comprehension.
  2. Qualitative Ability.
  3. Logical Ability.
  4. Aspiring Minds Personal Inventory (AMPI).
  5. Information Gathering & Synthesis.
  6. Excel (which is compulsory only for Management Graduates).

Now let’s have the in-depth look or detailed syllabus of each Compulsory module about the topics, the number of questions asked in each module, exam duration.

  • English Comprehension Syllabus

This module estimates the written English skill of the candidate and is mainly focused on one’s ability to understand and fluency in written and spoken word and to communicate effectively through written documents. In this module, 18 questions to be answered in 16 minutes duration.

Detailed syllabus in English Comprehension

Vocabulary (fill in the blanks)

  1. Synonyms
  2. Antonyms
  3. Contextual Vocabulary


  1. Error Identification
  2. Sentence Improvement and Construction


  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Passage questions.
  • Quantitative Aptitude Tech Syllabus

This module deals in estimating the numerical ability of the candidate in both technical and non-technical fields. In this module, the candidate should attempt 16 questions in 18 minutes duration.

Detailed Syllabus of Quantitative Ability

Basic Mathematics

  1. Divisibility
  2. HCF and LCM
  3. Numbers, decimal fractions and power

Applied Mathematics

  1. Profit and Loss
  2. Simple and Compound Interest
  3. Time Speed and Distance
  4. Inverse

Engineering Mathematics

  1. Logarithms
  2. Permutation and Combinations
  3. Probability.
  • Logical Ability Syllabus

This module evaluates the capacity of the candidate’s ability to perceive and interpret trends to make decisions by analyzing assumptions behind an argument or any statement made. In this module, candidates need to answer 14 questions in 16 minutes if duration.  

Detailed Syllabus of Logical Ability

Deductive Reasoning

  1. Coding deductive logic
  2. Data Sufficiency, Directional Sence, Logic Word Sequence
  3. Objective Reasoning
  4. Selection decision tables
  5. Puzzles

Inductive reasoning

  1. Coding pattern and Numbers Series Pattern recognition
  2. Analog and Classification pattern recognition

Abductive Reasoning

  1. Logical Word Sequence
  2. Data sufficiency.
  • Aspiring Minds Personality Inventory (AMPI)

This module assesses the overall personality of an individual by assessing candidates in people interaction and people management roles. This consists of 90 questions which should be answered in 20 minutes.

Detailed Syllabus of Aspiring Minds Personality Inventory (AMPI)




Openness to Experience


  • Information Gathering & Synthesis

This module tests the candidate’s ability in accomplishing a task fulfilling all the rules involved at any cost without fail. In this module, every candidate needs to answer 15 questions in 20 minutes.

Detailed Syllabus of Information Gathering & Synthesis

Data Interpretation

Information Ordering

Rule-Based Selection and Locating Information

Optional Modules Syllabus

General Syllabus (Optional Modules)

  • Excel

These modules test the efficiency of an individual to work on excel without bias. Here, this module has 23 questions to be answered in 20 minutes.

Detailed Syllabus of Excel

MS Excel Basic

Data Analysis and Presentation

  1. Managing worksheets and workbooks
  2. Pivot table
  3. Analyzing and organizing data
  4. Basic formulae

Advanced Excel

  1. Macros
  2. Sheet Protection.
  • Computer Programming
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Basic Biology
  • Pharmaceutical Science
  • Front Office
  • Marketing
  • Finance and Accounting
  • House Keeping
  • Culinary Skills
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Human Resources (HR)
  • Food and Beverage Service
  • Operations

Engineering Stream Syllabus (Optional Module)

  • Computer Programming
  • Computer Science
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical and Semiconductors
  • Telecommunications
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Instrumental Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Paint Technology
  • Polymer Technology
  • Metallurgy Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemical
  • Automotive Engineering

Management Students Syllabus (Optional Module)

  • Banking & Finance Services
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Basic Statistics
  • Human Resources (HR)


AMCAT Test for MBA, MCA, and other management graduates has assessed the skill and knowledge ao an individual to let them find the apt job as per their level of knowledge. As a result, every year thousands of MBAs, MCAs and many other management students and Graduates attend AMCAT Exam to achieve their dream job in banking, finance, retail, Sales, Real Estate, Pharma Sector, FMCG and many other Private Sector Jobs. Many companies like Deloitte, ITC, Daimler and Godrej, Axis Bank and Companies in India use the AMCAT Test as to heir management students.

AMCAT Syllabus for MBA MCA & Management Students

AMCAT Syllabus for MBA MCA Graduates: AMCAT Test for MBA MCA and other management graduates involves Compulsory module, Two Optional Modules. Recently Aspiring Minds launched AMCAT Operations Module for MBA Candidates. The syllabus covered in the Operations Module on the topic of Planning & Development, Supply Chain Management, and Quality management to check the theoretical, conceptual understanding, Picture/ Graph/ Chart interpretation and numerical problem-solving capability of an individual.

MBA MCA Syllabus for AMCAT Test 2024

  • Banking & Finance Services ( 27 questions in 20 minutes time duration)
  • Marketing ( 24 questions in 20 minutes time duration)
  • Human Resources (HR) ( 22 questions in 25 minutes time duration)
  • Operations ( 15 questions in 20 minutes time duration)
  • Basic Statistics ( 20 questions in 30 minutes time duration) 

AMCAT for Graduates

We see most of the graduates after the completion of graduation remains unplaced in any on-campus and off-campus placements in any of the company. So, for BA, BSc, BCom and others those who don’t able to attend campus placement interview due to colleges reputation or standards or may any other reason are suggested to attend AMCAT Test. AS if you take AMCAT Exam, it sends your score to hundreds of companies in Banking, IT, Sales, Real Estate, Marketing, Retail, Life Sciences and Health Care Sectors including companies like Axis Bank, Mphasis, Deloitte, Godrej, ZS Associates, Cognizant and many other relevant jobs based your AMCAT Score.

Here we provide you AMCAT Syllabus for BCA, B.Sc, B.Com, B.Tech/ B.E, and many other graduations Courses along with AMCAT Syllabus Books. So, every individual is requested to go through the Detailed information of AMCAT Syllabus for Graduates, Post Graduates provided below.

AMCAT For Computer science Engineers CSE, IT

AMCAT Test Computer Science Engineer CSE and IT Engineers will be conducted to assess the candidate’s Knowledge in basics of operating systems and computer architecture, computer networks and database concepts to get closer to apt jobs as Software Develops, Database Administration and Network Engineers. AMCAT Exam for computer science engineering has 26 questions to be answered in 25 minutes duration.

AMCAT Syllabus for Computer Science Engineering CSE & IT

  1. Operating System and Computer Architecture
  • Basics of OS and Computer Architecture
  • Process Management and Synchronization
  • Memory and I/O Management
  1. DataBase Management System DBMS
  • Data model
  • Relational Algebra and SQL
  • Normalization, Architecture, Indexing
  1. Computer Networks
  • Basics of networking and communication
  • OSI, TCP/IP layers and protocols
  • Network Devices and Routing Algorithms.

AMCAT for Civil Engineering

AMCAT tests all employability skill of Civil Engineer graduate to achieve befitting Job in Civil Engineering, Site Engineer, Design Engineer, Research Associate, Structural Engineer, Operations Manager, operational Executive, Sales Manager/ Executive, Technical Content Developer/ Manager and many other in its stream.

AMCAT Syllabus of Civil Engineers

AMCAT Syllabus for Civil Engineering Contains one compulsory module and two optional modules. The syllabus of the compulsory module has been mentioned above and the now we get know about the optional module syllabus for Civil Engineering. The module test one’s knowledge and the ability of application of general principles of mechanics and construction in practical based this module, the candidate needs to answer 40 questions in 25 minutes of time duration.

Detail AMCAT Syllabus for Civil

  1. Structural Engineering
  • Applied Mechanics
  • Building material and construction
  • Steel structures
  • Strength of materials
  • Theory of structures
  • Concrete technology
  • C.C. Design
  1. Geotechnical and Water Resources Engineering
  • Soil mechanics
  • Hydraulic Engineering
  • Water Supply Engineering
  1. Transportation Engineering and Surveying
  • Highs Engineering
  • Railways Engineering
  • Estimation and Costing
  • Surveying

AMCAT Syllabus Mechanical Engineering

AMCAT Syllabus for Mech: Mechanical Engineering Syllabus for AMCT Test has one compulsory module and two optional modules. The compulsory module syllabus is common for all the streams and qualifications eligible for AMCAT Exam 2024. The optional module has many topics where you need to choose two for the AMCAT Test for Mech. This module assesses one’s knowledge, understandability and skills of the concepts/ Principles in Mechanical Engineering which get them closer to achieve their dream jobs in Mechanical Engineering, Automation Engineering, Product Engineer, Research and Development, Technical Content Developer, Sales and Operations in industrial Processes and many other in its streams. In this module, one should answer 30 questions in 25 minutes time duration.

Detailed AMCAT Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering (Mech)

  1. Manufacturing Science
  • Engineering materials
  • Industrial engineering
  • Production engineering
  • CAD/ CAM
  1. Thermodynamics and IC engines
  • Thermodynamics cycles and steam generators
  • IC Engines
  • Heat Transfer, refrigeration and air conditioning
  1. Fluid and Machine Mechanics
  • Fluid mechanics and fluid machinery
  • Theory of machines
  • Strength of machines
  • Machine design

AMCAT Syllabus for Electrical Engineering EEE, Electronics and Communications ECE

AMCAT Syllabus for Electrical Engineering covers the topics related to befitting job profiles for the electrical engineer, technical content developer, research and development, power engineer, sales and operations manager/ executive for electrical industry processes and many other jobs. The syllabus module of Electrical Engineering focuses on checking the students on theoretical knowledge as well as practical concepts of electronics, electricity and electromagnetism. In this module, candidates need to answer 25 questions in 30 minutes of time duration.

Detailed AMCAT Syllabus for ECE EEE

  1. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
  • Basics of Electrical Engineering
  • Power machines
  • Electrical machines
  1. Instrumentation and Control
  • Instrumentation and measurements
  • Control system
  1. Electronics
  • Analog and digital electronics
  • Power electronics

AMCAT for Electronics and Semiconductors

AMCAT Syllabus for Electronic and Semiconductors: This module evaluates the individual’s ability to sustain in those companies which deal with VLSI design, SOC, Embedded Systems, Electronics, Design, and Automation Companies and many others. This module has 25 questions to be answered in 35 minutes of time duration.

Detailed AMCAT Electronic and Semiconductor Syllabus

  1. Semiconductors and Devices
  • Basics of semiconductors
  • Two terminal devices
  • Three terminal devices
  1. Analog Electronic
  • Basic for circuit analysis
  • Feedback, Stability and oscillator
  • Small Signal and Large Signal Circuit Analysis
  • Filters
  • Op-amps
  1. Digital Electronics
  • Logic families
  • Combinations
  • Boolean Algebra and minimization of Boolean functions
  • VLSI basics

AMCAT Exam Pattern 2024-20

AMCAT Exam Pattern:  
AMCAT Exam will be held for 3 hours of time duration with objective type question paper. There is no negative marking in the AMCAT Test Exam.  Here we provide Exam Pattern of AMCAT Test :

Sl.No Name of the Exam Marks
1. English Comprehensive 900
2. Qualitative Ability 900
3. Logical Ability 900
4. Optional Module 900`
Total   3600


What is the Eligibility to attempt the AMCAT TEST?

AMCAT is an exam conducted to evaluate the personal and professional skill for an individual who is aspiring for an apt job in IT companies, MNCs, and many other to make easier to the copies to select their employees directly based on AMCAT Scores obtained by the candidate.

  • All those who have completed Bachelors degree (B.Tech/ B.E) or Master (MCA, MCA) or in the final year of Bachelors and Masters (OR)
  • Every individual who has completed their Graduation or in their final year of graduation

are eligible to attend AMCAT Test.


AMCAT Login procedure: Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test AMCAT asks you to log in before you apply for AMCAT Test 2024 or AMCAT Exam 2024. If you are new to AMCAT you need to register first with necessary personal details like Email ID, Mobile number, Qualification, Year of Completion along with some AMCAT Application fees (maybe as Rs. 999/-) and click on the submit button to complete the registration process. Then you will be allotted a login ID and password which will be unique for every individual. The form then you can log in to AMCAT 2024 by entering your User Name that is Email ID or Mobile number and Password in the provided space in the login portal.

What is the Best Way to Prepare AMCAT Exam?

Preparation Plan for AMCAT Exam: The best preparation plan to crack AMCAT Test involves many things to do. We got you some tips to crack AMCAT Exam in the first attempt from experts and the experienced team below, so go through and find the best preparation tips to crack AMCAT Exam in the very first attempt.

  • Firstly, every individual get to know complete details about AMCAT Exam
  • Check the Exam Dates for upcoming AMCAT Exam.
  • Details involve AMCAT Exam Pattern, Number of Subjects, Marks Policy.
  • Get the complete knowledge of AMCAT Syllabus for your branch/ Department (CSE, EEE< Mech, Civil, ECE, IT and others)
  • Choose the Optional Module wisely, which you think that you can handle well to score good marks.
  • Prepare well for Quantitative Aptitude Section and get the good knowledge of it by referring quantitative Aptitude Preparation Books.
  • Follow our website regularly for AMCAT question papers, Previous Question Papers and Solve them.
  • Go through plenty of AMCAT Model papers, Previous Papers, Sample Papers which boosts your preparation.
  • Make 5-6 hours of healthy preparation daily with AMCAT Syllabus related Books & Ebooks which will be soon provided on our website.
  • Finally, Practice as many AMCAT mock tests as possible to make your preparation better.

AMCAT Previous Question papers PDF with Solutions

AMCAT Previous Papers: AMCAT Preparation will be completely done if only when you go through AMCAT Exam Previous Year Question Papers PDF with Solutions. If you are searching for AMCAT Previous Exam Papers PDF with Solutions for CSE, ECE EEE Mech Civil, MBA, MCA, BCA, B.Sc B.Com and many others, we are here to help you in finding them. Our team has got all AMCAT Previous papers PDF with Solutions to Download for free along with AMCAT Exam Sample Papers PDF & AMCAT Mock Test Papers to make your practice even better. So, we suggest every individual download AMCAT Previous Question papers with Solutions, AMCAT Sample Question papers PDF, Model Papers with lots AMCAT Questions for CSE, ECE, EEE, Civil, MBA MCA, Graduates, BA, B.Com, BCA, BFA and many others provided below in this page.

Download AMCAT Question Papers with Answer

AMCAT Previous Question Paper PDF Click Here


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